
Can developers manage their VM uptime and save some money? Yes!

Azure OMS has some great features to help reduce spend but you have to set it up.

In our last article, we went over how to send and receive from C# inside VS next to a unified operations. Now, let's talk about getting messages from inside X++. X++ can't directly get messages from an Azure queue, so far as I have been able to determine. It may be technically possible but we can use C# to do some of the lifting for us where X++ is a little lacking so let's do that first. In our last article, we created a console app which is great to show how things work.

Out with the old and in with the new! For those who worked with 2012, files were a default integration option, for better or worse. However, we no longer have access to files and/or a file system. So, how are we going to get data to D365FO from on an on premise source? or a source in a different cloud? or even a source inside Azure? Easy! Enter the Azure Queue. We have an area we can push small messages to for D365FO to consume. There are a few hoops to jump though in order to get everything to work given some of the technical constraints with 4.5.2, 4.6.1 and CORE.