Financial Dimensions

Using this community mod, you can now directly turn your inventory Sites into a financial dimension rather than have to a custom dimension or created a business unit to match your site. Once you have it installed, you can do the following:

Interested in sorting your financial dimensions? there are two options to look at here.

This covers how to implement the default dimensions view for your data and account structure(s).

This articles covers implementing your Ledger Transactions with Financial Dimensions view. This create a view similar to the table LedgerTrans from 2009.

Implement a series of views that creates a view that works similar to the LedgerTrans table in 2009.

Part of a series of views to create a view that is similar the the table LedgerTrans in 2009.

The changes from 2009 to 2012 as it related to financials are fairly comprehensive and those of us who have made that transition have at least one point in time said "I miss LedgerTrans".