How to use a recurring Integration Endpoint for importing data
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Create a Database Export Request using a DevOps Pipeline
Need to Export a database for safe keeping?
MSFT has had database movement APIs for some time but I haven't seen a lot of use of them. I thought I'd provide a simple Power Shell script to show what can be done. You can make this more user friendly or modern by putting it in Power Automate or using a Logic App. For reference, the API specs and available operations can be found at
Request A Database Backup
You can request a database backup on an environment like so:
# Update these values for your situation
$authurl = "{DOMAIN}/oauth2/v2.0/token"
$clientId = 'f023fce0-5987-00d0-bb86-176fbd0c5ca9'
$username = '{USER@DOMAIN.COM}'
$password = '{PASSWORD}'
$LcsApiUri = ""
$ProjectId = '1234567890'
$SourceEnvironmentId = '098c0ad0-f897-2A80-80e0-91bffa01e181'
$BackupName = "UAT $(Get-Date -Format "MM-dd-yyyy")"# Install Azure PowerShell
Install-Module -Name AZ -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUser -Force -Confirm:$False -SkipPublisherCheck
write-host "Azure PowerShell installed"# Install D365FO.Tools
Install-Module -Name -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUser -Force -Confirm:$false
write-host "D365FO.Tools installed"# Install D365FO.Integrations
Install-Module -Name d365fo.integrations -AllowClobber -Scope CurrentUser -Force -Confirm:$false
write-host "D365FO.Integrations installed"Get-D365LcsApiToken -ClientId $ClientId -Username $Username -Password $Password -LcsApiUri $LcsApiUri -Verbose | Set-D365LcsApiConfig
Invoke-D365LcsDatabaseExport -ProjectId $ProjectId -SourceEnvironmentId $SourceEnvironmentId -BackupName $BackupName -LcsApiUri $LcsApiUri -Verbose
Using that as a starting point, you can use this script to create a pipeline. All variables at the top of the script should be changed for your specific scenario. In a pipeline, they can be added as pipeline variables and secured within the pipeline.