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D365FO.Tools and VS2017: Manhattan Project
Have you heard of D365FO.Tools? Let's take another look.
Let's Rock
We talked about this for VS2015 here. But now, things have changed.
First, install D365FO.Tools.
Next, install Powershell Tools for Visual Studio. You can do this easily by going to Tools > Extensions and Updates in Visual studio. Select "Online" then search for powershell. Restart Visual Studio.
Open Visual Studio then go to View > Other Windows > PowerShell Interactive Window.
Now you can fire off D365FO.Tools commands in VS without any fuss and keep on being productive during long(er) operations like database sync.
Hey Kids! You remember i'm a professional, don't try this at home!
In the PowerShell Interactive Window type:
notepad $profile
This will prompt you to create a profile file. Hit yes. Now you can create aliases that you can (hopefully) remember. For instance, command Invoke-D365DBSync will run a full database sync. However, you could create an alias just to simplify things for the way your brain works. For instance, in your profile file, you can do this:
Set-Alias -Name dbSync -Value Invoke-D365DBSync
Your profile file will be located in a path similar to this:
Now you can do this:
You can see all of the available functions for D365FO.Tools here and each file has great documentation as part of the header. Next time we'll cover some of the common commands I use and provide a cheat sheet for the common stuff. You don't have to use an alias if you don't want to but I do as I don't use the various common commands enough to remember them. I don't do as much development as I used to.
Yeah, Piece Of Cake!
With the newer version of Visual Studio, we also get a newer version of the PowerShell tools which have some extra nice features, like Intellisense.